The fact there are functions in Sage untested is worrying, and I think
its fair to say most people would like to see 100% doctest coverage,
but IMHO, we need a plan for this to happen, and the plan inforced,
otherwise this will not happen soon. So I'm suggesting we collect
ideas for a plan.

Two things that do NOT appear to work, at least in isolation are:

A) Saying coverage should be x % in release Y, then hoping it is.
B) Saying coverage should be x % by the date DD/MM/YY, then hoping it is.

Both of these have been tried, and niether are working. The graph here

seems to indicate that progress on this has slowed over the last year
or so, where progress was about 4.7% per year. (I'm not actually sure
I agree with his line of best fit, which would suggest to me the
situation has slowed even more.)

A few ideas that might work, are below. I would add, I'm not
suggesting they are all very good (in particular 1 and 4 are a bit
excessive), but I mention them anyway.

1) Having a release, where the only aim is to increase doctest
coverage. No patches are accepted, unless they increase coverage.
2) Finding sections of code which are not tested, and depreciating
them, unless someone writes the doctests, in which case the
depreciation can be removed.
3) Having a release, where anyone can submit a patch which gets
reviewed, but the release manager does not merge it unless the author
of the patch can provide another patch which increase doctest
4) Finding individuals that have written code that is not tested, and
not merging any more patches from them unless they first add tests to
the ALL code they have already written.
5) Finding individuals that have written code that is not tested, and
not merging any more patches from them unless they first add tests to
a number (say 5) tests for all the code they have written which is
6) Not accepting any patches, unless a equal number of lines of code
are submitted which add doctests.
7) Paying individuals to just write tests.

I believe if we want to achieve 100% coverage, we need to do more than
A and B above, as they are proved not to work.

Can anyone suggest anything else, or have any comments.


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