On 2013-01-17, Burcin Erocal <bur...@erocal.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Jan 2013 11:31:41 +0000 (UTC)
> Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 2013-01-17, Burcin Erocal <bur...@erocal.org> wrote:
>> > On Thu, 17 Jan 2013 07:17:43 +0000 (UTC)
>> > Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> [...] 
>> >> This still looks like an ugly hack. Shouldn't  we rather use
>> >> something like [git-subtree]
>> >> (https://github.com/apenwarr/git-subtree/) to deal with upstream
>> >> source?
>> >
>> > git-sub{tree,module} is too much. As long as there is an easy way to
>> > get at the source and work with it, there is no reason to import the
>> > source code from other projects into our repository . Note that I am
>> > even trying to keep the packaging stuff out.
>> I gave above a good reason (debugging a Maxima spkg within Sage), I
>> think. 
> Were you debugging Maxima or the Maxima spkg? 
both. And the Sage pexpect interface, which is not in the spkg, as you

> I presume the bug fix
> produced in the end is intended to be included in Maxima. 
No, not really.  The bug fixes produced included 

* unmerging a particular commit in Maxima master, 
  (by providing a corresponding patch in spkg),
  and this was purely Sage-specific.
  And for this I needed to do a git bisect on Maxima master. 

* adding patches to spkg which are commits into Maxima master, or just
  patches proposed on Maxima bug tracker, some of them 
  in response to our submissions.

* patching Sage doctests.

> In that
> case, why not develop Maxima proper instead of just looking at it only
> as a component of Sage?
Huh? The fix I talk about above consists of creating a little custom fork of
Maxima, and patching Sage lib. None of this is relevant to "developing
Maxima proper".

>> Even more to the point would be spkgs which are more or less a
>> part of Sage, such as libGAP.
>> Note that libGAP spkg at the moment ships a large chunk of patched GAP
>> spkg.  So basically one has 3 source trees to coordinate, manually,
>> two of them overlapping quite abit, if
>> git-sub* is not used. 
>> (And also, actually, GAP spkg has nontrivial spkg dependencies.)
>> Another example is  eclib, which (probably) most users use from Sage.
>> Indeed, there are spkgs that seldom get really worked on, such as gcc
>> or python, but it does not mean that the rest should be locked into
>> the same inconvenient model.
>> >
>> > lmonade can check out the upstream sources and compile it for you
>> > under devel/<package_name>. This gives easy access to upstream
>> > sources for debugging, encourages people to submit patches/pull
>> > requests and ask for reviews from upstream developers.
>> >
>> > Once you have an improvement, you can either export it as a patch
>> > and add it to the package Sage depends on, or if it is complex
>> > enough, create your fork on bitbucket, github, etc., point the live
>> > ebuild there and make Sage depend on that.
>> And how do you coordinate this with the eventual changes in the Sage
>> lib proper? By trac comments? SPKG.txt? 
> Mark that the Sage package depends on version >= <foo>. Where version
> does not have to correspond to an upstream release. It might have a
> revision tagged on that indicates your fix.

sure, this is a typical patchquilt thing; for some reason you think it's
OK if it happens to an spkg, and not to Sage proper.

> For example, Sage depends on lcalc built with pari and the patches
> specified in the ebuild:
> https://github.com/cschwan/sage-on-gentoo/blob/master/sci-mathematics/sage/sage-5.5-r4.ebuild#L28
> See the line ">=sci-mathematics/lcalc-1.23-r4[pari]"
> Here is the lcalc ebuild:
> https://github.com/cschwan/sage-on-gentoo/blob/master/sci-mathematics/lcalc/lcalc-1.23-r4.ebuild
>> Why not use git-sub* for this?
>> This is what looks the most bothersome point to me.
> This bothersome process is how the free software ecosystem works. If
> you benefit from the source some people bothered to put out there,
> then spot some errors and fix them, you should also take some trouble
> to share these with others, not only with users of Sage.

Why do you think that using git-sub* will preclude one
from sharing fixes with upstream?
One of the very purposes of git-sub* is to make this process easier, not
One would be able to produce a git patch ready for merging into upstream
without any hassle that, you insist, is necessary... 


> Cheers,
> Burcin

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