
On 2013-11-04, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ------=_Part_109_13671842.1383581913134
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> I like this discussion, hopefully we'll find a good result.  What if 
> multiple people are contributing to a ticket - how might that play in for 
> the various options?

I think this is orthogonal. If I understand correctly, collaboration is
relatively easy in git. I push something to trac. You pull it, do changes,
push back. Hence, we now have one commit from me and one commit from you
on top of mine.

Alternative scenario: We both work parallely. You have code, I have
code. Then we need to figure out which of us will merge the code. This
person will pull the branch of the other person, do "git merge", resolve
conflicts, and push back.

If I understand correctly, we only have a problem if there is a
different ticket's branch that has merged an old version of our ticket's
branch. The problem is that the other ticket's branch keeps track of its
exact branch point.

Hence, if we do some changes after the other ticket has branched off,
then the other ticket is still based on a preliminary version of our
ticket: It is needed to rebase the branch from the other ticket, and
this even holds if the resulting code on our ticket did not change (say,
if we just changed a commit message).

Again if I understand correctly, the current discussion is: What freedom
can we allow in our workflow concerning changing the commit history of a
branch on trac so that we still avoid that the necessity to rebase other
dependent ticket's branches becomes a mess?

Let there be ticket A with attached branch ticket/A, and ticket B with
attached branch ticket/B, such that ticket/B contains commits 1,2,3 from
ticket/A, and such that A is mentioned in the "Dependencies" field of B.

It is possible to change ticket/A in such a way that commit 2 vanishes
and another commit is added, so that ticket/A now provides commits
1,3',4. It could actually be that the resulting code did not changes. But
in any case, ticket/B only knows about 1,2,3, and must now be made aware
to drop 2, rebase 3 (becoming 3') and add 4: It must be rebased, and it
needs a (new) review.

I think it would be nice (take this as a feature request) if
the participants of B would get an automated mail, stating that
the branch attached to the dependency A has changed and hence it is
necessary to rebase ticket/B with respect to the new state of ticket/A.

What would be even nicer: Have a script that tests whether rebasing
ticket/B can be done automatically. If this does not change the
resulting code (or at most removes trailing whitespace), then I believe
it is not even needed to inform the participants of B of the automatic
In all other cases, B should be changed from "positive review" to "needs
review" (if applicable), and the participants of B should be informed that
an automated rebasing/merging has taken place and that they need to look
at the resulting code, because it can be that seemingly harmless changes
on A are breaking B.

The ultimate niceness would be: *Automatically* detect that B depends on A
(i.e., assume that the author of B was basing ticket/B on ticket/A, but
forgot to add A to the list of dependencies for B). I don't know if this
would be possible.

Also it would be nice if adding a dependency C to ticket B would
automatically trigger a test whether the commits of the branch ticket/C
are contained in the branch ticket/B.

Question to trac experts and the authors of the development scripts:
Which of these features (if we want to have them) can be implemented
directly on trac, and which needed to be implemented in the scripts?

Best regards,

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