2014-02-21 15:17 UTC+01:00, Jason Grout <jason-s...@creativetrax.com>:
> On 2/21/14 6:00 AM, Inderpreet Singh wrote:
>> Hi, I am a computer engineering student, a freelance web developer and
>> also a part time math teacher. The 2d plots that notebook draw are not
>> interactive. So I was thinking if sagemath would like that feature to be
>> included and I may help in it's development. I had a little talk with
>> @burcin_ on IRC and he told me that sagemath is interested in such a
>> feature but also told me about the uncertainty of the future of
>> sagemath-notebook.
>> So, I would be really thankful if someone would clarify that
>> whether the notebook view will be continued?
>  > if it's going to be replaced, what's the replacement?
> I think the main successor of the sage notebook is William's Sage Cloud
> project at cloud.sagemath.com.

It is not fair to claim that the cloud is *the* successor of the
notebook !! The cloud is a project independent of Sage which, as far
as I understand, is only partly open source (which implies that it
will never be a component of Sage). On the other hand, there are much
more improved options for interactive plots:
 * the Ipython notebook (http://ipython.org/notebook.html) already
mentionned by Jason. Sage is basically a Ipython console. It is not
that hard to setup the ipython notebook. It is clearly a very good
plateform and there is not much to do to make it work.
 * the matplotlib widgets: Sage right now uses matplotlib for main
graphics capabilities. matplpotlib comes with a very complete and
useful library for making interactive graphics in native windows (with
cursors and all kind of things you may imagine). Note that I was not
able to make it work within Sage...

The two solutions that I propose do not currently work out of the box
with Sage. They are standard Python tools. So as soon as Sage will be
compatible with native Python/Ipython the problem will be solved ! You
can find many other options on the page [1].

Sage should stop reinventing the wheel for graphics !

[1] https://wiki.python.org/moin/NumericAndScientific/Plotting


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