> > Hello Sage Users:
>> >
>> > I proposed a Sage Stack Exchange site for Sage. Please go and follow it;
>> > add example questions and vote up (down) questions that you think 
>> should be
>> > on-topic (resp. off-topic) for the upcoming site.
>> >
>> > 
>> http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/70511/sage?referrer=8adE6ec0VyqQCyB1kFgF7g2
>> >
>> > Looking forward to your support and cooperation for the success of this
>> > adventure on Stack Exchange.
>> >
>> > /p/s/ I would be soon adding my quota of 5 questions...
>> Does one really need an SE site for Sage? What's wrong with
>> http://ask.sagemath.org/ in your opinion then?

The only real problem with ask.sagemath, as Kannappan says, is the spammers.

* Many people already have SE (e.g., mathoverflow) accounts, and these 
would be connected
* They handle spam etc. for you
* Could migrate questions on other SE products to this, or vice versa
Disadvantage (for some): 
* platform itself not open-source
* Not connected to previous rep mechanism for ask.sagemath
* Not connected to previous answers/questions (harder to work on dups, etc)
* Admin privileges etc are not up to Sage
* "If the site does not get used, it will be deleted."
* Do we own the data?  There is a CC license but is it exportable?
* Unclear and hard (for us) to reach standards of business.  

To me, the last one is the real problem.  For instance, at one time "15 
questions per day on average is a healthy beta" but we definitely did not 
always hit that even in the most halcyon days of ask.sagemath.  I'll note 
that http://area51.stackexchange.com/faq seems to have gotten rid of any 
formal requirements, but there are definitely still standards to make it TO 
beta, much less out.  Compare the graduated versus not proposals, 
e.g. http://area51.stackexchange.com/?tab=launched  

Let's see what it says.  Remember, SE is a *business* that wants to drive 
traffic.  Not first and foremost to simply have quality Q&A sites.  Sage 
doesn't (yet), in my view, have enough traffic to drive this.  It could! 
 But it doesn't yet.

* 15 questions per day on average is a healthy beta, 5 questions or fewer 
per day needs some work. A healthy site generates lots of good content to 
make sure users keep coming back.

Probably we would need to increase our regular traffic (I mean compared to 
when we didn't have the anti-spam measures in place) by at least 50%.

* 2.5 answers per question is good, only 1 answer per question needs some 
work. On a healthy site, questions receive multiple answers and the best 
answer is voted to the top.

I would argue that with most ask.sagemath questions, we really don't need 
more than one answer per question.  But SE doesn't probably care about 
that.  And I will also point out that MANY of our questions are quite 
technical or don't ever get answers - 
see http://ask.sagemath.org/questions/?sort=answers-asc&page=6 (though to 
be fair, many of the answers to these are in comments, which SE would 
strongly discourage).

* We recommend:
150 users with 200+ rep
10 users with 2,000+ rep
5 users with 3,000+ rep

Even on the CURRENT ask.sagemath we have about 50 with 200+ rep.  We do 
have the requisite number of very-high-rep users, and are likely to 
continue to have.  This is mainly because we don't have the critical mass 
yet - in order to really rack up reputation, you either need to answer a 
LOT of questions, or be one of the few people who answers questions 
interesting to a lot of people in the (as yet, smallish) Sage community. 
 Most people who answer a question get only one or two up votes, even if 
the answer is correct.

* 90% answered is a healthy beta, 80% answered needs some work. In the beta 
it's especially important that when new visitors ask questions they usually 
get a good answer.

I believe I've already touched on this.  We are not currently going to be 

* 1,500 visits per day is good, 500 visits per day needs some work. A great 
site benefits people outside the community. Eventually, 90% of a site's 
traffic should come from search engines.

I don't know anything about this.  But based on # of views, which is easy 
to see, it looks like we get between 20 and 50 views for a given question. 
 (Older ones get more, of course).  Let's say we get 50 views per 10 
questions - that is 500 visits per day, assuming that's what they mean by 

On ALL metrics, Sage is not ready for a SE proposal to go anywhere, and 
that would be worse.  

Instead, all the people who just committed to the proposal should put on 
their thinking caps to get us a sensible anti-spam measure for our current 

I am not saying this because I am a curmudgeon; I am saying this because I 
just spent the last hour reading through all the many complaints of 
proposal which aren't going to make it out of beta and will have to start 
from scratch, and I don't want that to happen to us.  It would only lead to 
confusion for those who actually want help.

- kcrisman

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