> > * Firstly, this site, if it ever becomes a reality, will subsume 
> > ask.sagemath.com alright, but not just that. This will help the entire 
> > community of GAP, PARI, Maxima, Singular, Sympy (probably also R, but 
> > cross-validated already handles quite a bit...) users... I have not 
> written 
> > to their sites just yet but certainly this proposal is meant as a Q&A 
> for 
> > computing in the Python ecosystem rather than just Sage. In light of 
> this, I 

> In fact, as you suggest above, go one further:   Python --> 
> "mathematical software" 
> Having such a site, which is like mathoverflow, but for open source 
> math software, sounds attractive (if such a thing does not already 
> exist). 
This does sound interesting.  Is it targeted enough?  SE seems to want 
fairly well-scoped things - I don't know whether they would want something 
as broad as "open source math" or "Python math".

PS. I have seen a few questions about sage on math.se, stackoverflow and 
> mathoverflow; so already, there are too many sites one has to follow or 
> look into before being sure that a post to the mailing list is warranted. 

Yes, that is certainly true.  One annoying thing is that on SO the "sage" 
tag supposedly refers to us, but I've given up trying to remove the tag 
from questions about Sagepay accounting software...  I suppose in principle 
we could ask about migration.   That would be the ideal way to approach it, 
so as to keep things in one place.

Also, as a counter to my point about "staying OSS", both Ubuntu and Drupal 
host their question/answer on SE, one even with its own domain 
http://askubuntu.com/ - so this isn't a killer to other such communities. 
 But it should be raised, anyway.


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