On Monday, June 2, 2014 9:31:30 AM UTC-4, kcrisman wrote:
> See also some very interesting discussions at https://www.biostars.org/

I didn't know about this QA software -- here is the source repository (MIT 


Note that it's about 2 years old, and has a (small) handful of developers.

On Monday, June 2, 2014 9:07:16 AM UTC-4, kcrisman wrote:
> Probably we would need to increase our regular traffic (I mean compared to 
> when we didn't have the anti-spam measures in place) by at least 50%.

In case people didn't follow this parenthetical comment, I should explain 
that ask.sagemath.org currently requires some non-trivial reputation to ask 
or answer questions.  This was the simplest anti-spam measure we could 
implement until we upgrade to the latest version of AskBot (or other QA 
software).  In particular, it means that new users cannot ask or answer 
questions, and therefore the site usage is much lower than normal.

For the record, here's our rough roadmap for making AskSage maintainable 
again (in reverse order):

* Fork latest AskBot (or other QA software) and cap number of posts per day 
for low-reputation users.
* Optional: migrate existing questions, answers, and users to new AskBot 
install.  Or put current install in read-only mode.
* Before that, install latest AskBot
* Before that, establish new VM for ask.sagemath.org (latest AskBot relies 
on recent versions of python and mongodb, which we are unable or unwilling 
to install on the very old machine boxen)

Currently we are stalled at the very first step (establishing a new VM). 
 But there is reason to believe that regular maintenance will be 
straightforward after the (not-so-straightforward) task of updating our 
very old installation.


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