On Thursday, September 11, 2014 6:24:27 PM UTC-7, wstein wrote:
> Hi Sage Devs, 
> I just received this email which links to a report about "global 
> digital math libraries" and also a long and opinionated document by 
> somebody named Nelson Beebe. 

I think this is an odd way of referring to somebody who has a web page 
 describing his
interests etc. here.


the document you view as opinionated is an opinion piece, called Comments 

I think Nelson Beebe has some experience suggesting his comments
might be worth considering, though of course you might disagree.

 Since Sage is mentioned a few times in 
> both documents, I thought I would forward them, since maybe some Sage 
> developers might find something of interest.   The first document 
> ICERM-2014.pdf seems to aim to be factual and well balanced, whereas I 
> could barely look at the second document entitled 
> "ICERM-2014-NOTES.pdf" without feeling very annoyed...

Maybe I'm missing the kernel of your annoyance.  I was struck by the
fact that Beebe says nice things about Common Lisp, and maybe that
was your annoyance -- after all, python version n+1 might be incompatible
with version n;  and maybe there is but one implementation?  (Is this
true?)   whereas a system that compiles on 8 different  ANSI common lisp
implementations, several of which are open-source... strikes his as
a plus.  (Will there ever be an incompatible revision of ANSI CL?
don't hold your breath...)

By the way, I do not recall meeting Beebe and had no idea of his
breadth of interests.  I think I've encountered him or his writings
in numerical analysis at various times in the past.

(somebody named...)
Richard Fateman

> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- 
> From: Nelson H. F. Beebe <be...@math.utah.edu <javascript:>> 
> Date: Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 5:20 PM 
> Subject: [GDML] [gdml] ICERM report and comments 
> To: gd...@mathunion.org <javascript:> 
> The ICERM (Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in 
> Mathematics) workshop led to the production of an 18-page report 
> published on the Web on 28-Aug-2014.  I read it, and sent a long reply 
> in e-mail to the authors.  One of them suggested that I write up my 
> comments in PDF form, and earlier this week, I did so, adding some 
> polishing and additional information, and numerous Web links. 
> The two reports are available here: 
>         http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/icerm 
> There is discussion in both of the desirability of global digital math 
> libraries, the main topic of this mailing list, so I expect that some 
> of you may be interested in the two reports. 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - Nelson H. F. Beebe                    Tel: +1 801 581 5254               
>    - 
> - University of Utah                    FAX: +1 801 581 4148               
>    - 
> - Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB    Internet e-mail: 
> be...@math.utah.edu <javascript:>  - 
> - 155 S 1400 E RM 233                       be...@acm.org <javascript:>  
> be...@computer.org <javascript:> - 
> - Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA    URL: 
> http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ - 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -- 
> William Stein 
> Professor of Mathematics 
> University of Washington 
> http://wstein.org 
> wst...@uw.edu <javascript:> 

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