On 2014-09-15, Travis Scrimshaw <tsc...@ucdavis.edu> wrote:
>> But the fact remains that Lisp is quite an obscure languge.
>> I'm not sure what you mean by obscure --- I'll assume that you are just 
>> observing that
>> most programmers are unfamiliar with it.  They are instead familiar with
>> C, Java, Basic,  (see the tiobe survey).
> Isn't that the definition of obscure?
>>> Very few outside computer science students learn it.
>> Regardless of the obscurity, students who take a course or study the 
>> Abelson-Sussman
>> book are likely to be much much better programmers than otherwise.  That 
>> book happens
>> to use Scheme, a dialect of Lisp.  It doesn't matter if they eventually 
>> end up writing C code.
>> Or python.
> It doesn't matter which language someone learns that determines how good of 
> a programmer they are. 
Oh yes, it does matter. These first exposed to an imperative language
are often having difficulties writing functional-style code.
I wish I coded in Lisp rather than in Fortran in my first years as
a programmer.

I also had to deal with students whose first language
was Matlab, and with students who were first taught a subset of C++...
(e.g. most of the latter had a huge mental trauma as a result :-))

> However have good command and understanding of the 
> idiosyncrasies of the languages that a programmer uses is much more 
> important that what language they learned on. I have never really used lisp 
> (or learned too much about it), and many of the programmers I know never 
> have either, but I consider myself a pretty good programmer and I know some 
> really good ones who (I don't think) know what lisp is.
>> Whereas learning C++, C, Python, MATLAB, Labview etc is likely to be 
>>> beneficial for employment,  the same is not true of Lisp.
>> If the only thing you have to offer is "I learned C", then you don't have 
>> much.  An employer
>> would have to be pretty dim to not realize that if you know a few 
>> programming languages, you
>> can learn one more in a short time.  A good employer might hire a 
>> programmer to write
>> C code  BECAUSE the programmer knew Lisp.
> I'm pretty sure a good employer will hire someone who only knows C++ (note, 
> not C) over only known lisp because it is lower-level and is much more 
> common (and other languages are similar like Java and C#).
>>> I don't think a program like could exist if developers needed to learn 
>>> Lisp first.
>> I think you left out the word "Sage"  in there.   The program Maxima 
>> exists, and most
>> serious developers very likely know Lisp.  Same for Axiom, Reduce.   A 
>> programmer
>> already skilled in another higher level language can generally pick up 
>> Lisp fairly easily, since
>> it is extraordinarily "regular" in syntax and semantics.
> I agree they can learn higher level languages easily enough, but there are 
> more concepts to learn in lower level languages (e.g. memory management).
> Best,
> Travis

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