On 10 Nov 2014 23:08, "Ursula Whitcher" <whitc...@uwec.edu> wrote:
> On 11/5/2014 8:24 AM, Willia . s J. _ .m Stein wrote:
>> * By "we write up" above, I mean you write up something very, very
>> rough, post it here, and get feedback.
> Done!
> http://people.uwec.edu/whitchua/notes/sagebugprocess.pdf
> I stuck with Ticket 14032 as my example; I think the tradeoff of
interesting algorithm vs. boring bug is OK for a general math audience.

If I am honest,  I am not that convinced it is a good follow up comment,
but ignoring that, if this was to be the basis of an article, I can think
of some improvements.

1) Add a time line. How long it took from the reporting of the bug,  to the
bug fixed, peer reviewed, then to release of a new alpha/beta/release
candidate and finally to the release of a stable version with the bug fixed.

I suspect it was faster than the year or so the bug has remained in

2) Take out the early reference to Sage getting the determinate correct
that Mathematica gets right. Apart from boasting rights,  I am not
convinced it adds anything useful.

3) The initial priority is stated to be major,  but the priority can be
changed by others, and most obviously by the release manager. So not every
"blocker" bug gets fixed by the next release of Sage.

4) An obvious problem with comparing two black boxes, which was the
proposal of the trio of mathematicians,  is that the black boxes will
probably share some common code. I am pretty sure Mathematica uses ATLAS,
since there was (is still?) a library libatlas.so.

There are a lot of LPGL libraries,  that can be used by closed source

5) There are no conclusions. I would have thought that there should be.


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