On 2014-11-13, Volker Braun <vbraun.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Can we create an environment... where character matters, hard work is 
> respected, humility is valued, and support for one another is 
> unconditional? 

Yes, I think you can, although I think formulating a code of conduct
is mostly a distraction. People take their cues from others who are
perceived to be socially superior, so the key is to get anybody who
has a lot of visibility / brownie points / respect / whatever to
get on the bandwagon. Whatever those people practice, is going to
become the conventional way, so we had better hope they have good
habits. About good habits, I think it's really pretty simple:

 * talk about ideas instead of people
 * don't feed the trolls
 * get to the point

But if someone like, oh, I don't know, Linus Torvalds for instance,
consistently treats others like shit, everybody else joins the fun,
and everything goes downhill from there.

As I get older, I've become fascinated by the way that people pick
up culture (i.e., shared assumptions about how things work) from
each other, in all kinds of situations. I'm pretty sure that
informal cues vastly outweigh the formal ones, for better or worse.

For what it's worth,

Robert Dodier

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