I would love to see the knot theory code merged, but right now i think it 
needs more than someone looking at it and saying that it is ok. It needs 
someone to look at it and saying which parts have to be fixed or improved. 
Sadly, i don't think it is ready for merging yet.

That said, I know of several people that would like to use it, even knowing 
that it is not fully ready. Having some way for these users to test it at 
their own risk would probably help a lot finding a reviewer. So i am not 
sure which is the right balance here. Sometines i think that something like:

sage: from sage.experimental.unreviewed import knots
Warning: this module is not yet reviewed. It could lead to wrong answers, 
system failures and the four horsemen of the apocalypse riding over the 
world. Use it at your own risk.
sage: L = Link(foo)

could be a good compromise. Other times i think that just

git trac checkout foo
sage -br 

would be better. Maybe we could just have this option better documented in 
the manual, suggesting users that want to use features that are still not 
merged to checkout the corresponding branch.

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