On Sunday, February 21, 2016 at 10:07:48 AM UTC, Jeroen Demeyer wrote:
> On 2016-02-21 10:55, Martin Vahi wrote: 
> > |gcc -fPIC 
> > 
> -L/home/ts2/Projektid/progremise_infrastruktuur/matemaatikamootorid/Sage/juur_liivakast/2016_02_xx_Sage_7_0/bonnet/tmp_/build_dir/sage-7.0/local/lib
> > 
> -Wl,-rpath,/home/ts2/Projektid/progremise_infrastruktuur/matemaatikamootorid/Sage/juur_liivakast
> > /2016_02_xx_Sage_7_0/bonnet/tmp_/build_dir/sage-7.0/local/lib  -m64 
> > -DL2SIZE=4194304 
> > 
> -I/home/ts2/Projektid/progremise_infrastruktuur/matemaatikamootorid/Sage/juur_liivakast/2016_02_xx_Sage_7_0/bonnet/tmp_/build_dir/sage-7.0/local/var/tmp/sage/build/atlas-3.10.2/src/ATLAS-build/include
> > 
> -I/home/ts2/Projektid/progremise_infrastruktuur/matemaatikamootorid/Sage/juur_liivakast/2016_02_xx_Sage_7_0/bonnet/tmp_/build_dir/sage-7.0/local/var/tmp/sage/build/atlas-3.10.2/src/ATLAS-build/../ATLAS//include
> > 
> -I/home/ts2/Projektid/progremise_infrastruktuur/matemaatikamootorid/Sage/juur_liivakast/2016_02_xx_Sage_7_0/bonnet/tmp_/build_dir/sage-7.0/local/var/tmp/sage/build/atlas-3.10.2/src/ATLAS-build/../ATLAS//include/contrib
> > -DAdd_ -DF77_INTEGER=int -DStringSunStyle -DATL_OS_Linux 
> > ATL_dset_xp1yp0aXbX.o -c ATL_dset_xp1yp0aXbX.c 
> > gcc: error: 
> > /2016_02_xx_Sage_7_0/bonnet/tmp_/build_dir/sage-7.0/local/lib: No such 
> > file or directory 
> The problem is that somehow an extra space came in here between 
> "juur_liivakast" and "/2016_02_xx_Sage_7_0" in the command above. 
which could be due to the fact that this is "root of the sandbox" (as my 
Tallinn-born wife tells me :-))
and somewhere in this kind of virtual(?) environment setting of the sandbox 
things go wrong...

To reproduce this, more details on the setup would be needed, I guess.

> One possible idea: the path 
> /home/ts2/Projektid/progremise_infrastruktuur/matemaatikamlootorid/Sage/juur_liivakast/2016_02_xx_Sage_7_0/bonnet/tmp_/build_dir/sage-7.0
> is unusually long, maybe try a shorter/simpler path? 
> Also: please attach the *complete* log file of ATLAS and not an 
> "excerpt". I say this for 2 reasons: 
> - very often, the omitted part contains interesting information 
> - pasting something as text can change the formatting, for example 
> adding line breaks. 

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