On 2016-04-12, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Oh dear.  abs_integrate is something I now dread to think about; it is so 
> very useful, and yet so very buggy with the Sage flags - see 
> http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/12731 :-( 

Hmm, what are the flags that cause trouble? My guess is that the
abs_integrate code was written with some assumptions about how the world
works, in particular that default flags are in force. If you can tell
which are the problematic flags, it might be relatively straightforward
to identify what parts of abs_integrate are not consistent with that.
It might be possible to fix up abs_integrate, or it might help, as a
work around, to assign default flags temporarily while abs_integrate is
being called. Just guessing here.


Robert Dodier

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