hi folks,

I posted this question in irc but no reply, so I re-post here, also
for better archive. Sorry for duplicating!
(BTW, http://boxen.math.washington.edu/home/keshav/irclogs/ doesn't
work, anyone have a look?)

Is there any update or future plan for the below question?

Quote: " I am trying to use the latex function without the subject
simplifying before it converting to LaTeX. This is similar to the
hold=True for algebra functions. For example, I want latex(x/x) to
return \frac{x}{x} rather than 1"

If nobody is working on, could you tell me where to start to hack in
sage source code?

My goal is to create a dataset similar to the im2latex-100k set, lets
call im2sage-100k dataset. im2late-100k [1] is a dataset for OpenAI's
task for image-2-latex system [2], which  is a task about math formula
OCR. The current best result is made by Harvard NLP Team, which
provides a demo here: http://lstm.seas.harvard.edu/latex/

The problem with im2latex is, one math formula image could have
multiple latex representations. To solve the problem, I'm trying to
build a similar dataset  im2sage, with formula in sage expression and
formula images. Using im2sage dataset, we can train a deep learning
model to convert formula images back to sage expressions.

In order to create the im2sage set, i hope to use some function like
latex(sage_expression, hold=True) to convert sage expression to latex
code and then render as image.

Any hints? Thank you!

[1] im2latex-100k: https://zenodo.org/record/56198#.WEv8Poh96b9
[2] OpenAI im2latex: https://openai.com/requests-for-research/#im2latex

Qian Hong

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