Addendum to the previous answer : solve at least may generate symbolic 
constants with domain constraints. If we accept the idea of auto-declaring 
them, should we add the relevant constraints ? Example :
sage: var("x,y")
(x, y)
sage: solve([3*x+y==0,6*x==-2*y],[x,y])
[[x == -1/3*r1, y == r1]]

Similarly :
sage: solve(sin(x)==1/2, x, to_poly_solve="force")
[x == 5/6*pi + 2*pi*z37, x == 1/6*pi + 2*pi*z39]

It seems straightforward to add "assume(z39, 'integer')" to the actions 
taken by an hypothetic %auto_constants magic in the second case. In the 
first case, it is less obvious : r1 could be any complex.

Ideas ?

Emmanuel Charpentier

Le lundi 19 mars 2018 16:04:07 UTC+1, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit :
> To summarize the previous answers (and nitpick a bit) : automatic_names
>    - may come handy ;
>    - shouldn't be mandatory
>    - shouldn't be the default
>    - should print a warning when fired.
> I also liked the idea of introducing a new magic controlling that feature. 
> However, I have a couple of remarks :
>    - Some functions (mostly inherited from Maxima) *do* already create 
>    new symbolic variables, but do not inject them in the relevant namespace. 
>    In *this* case (and this case only), I'd like to have this injection done 
>    by default, but controllable via an option. *Prima facie,* our targets 
>    are solve and desolve + their friends. But I forget some other ones almost 
>    surely... Hints ?
>    - The idea of a line magic (i. e. enabling automatic_variables for the 
>    next instruction or block) should be paired with a corresponding cell 
> magic.
>    - Another pair of magics could control the *silent* automatic 
>    declaration of new symbolic variables.
> The first case might be covered by patching the current implementation of 
> the target functions ; the control of the injection of the new variables 
> (in fact, symbolic constants) in the relevant name space could be 
> controlled by yet another (pair of) magic(s).
> Hence the possible design of the new magics :
>    - %(%)auto_constants : control whether Maxima-generated constants are 
>    injected in the relevant namespace. Default : True.
>    - %(%)auto_variables : control whether unknown names trigger the 
>    creation of symbolic variables thus named. Triggers a message. Defaulf : 
>    False.
>    - %(%)silent_auto_variables : control if the message signaling the 
>    creation of an automatic variable should vbe supressed. Defaulf : False.
> Critics ? Suggestions ? Lazzi ?
> This just leaves the $10000 question : who implements this ? ;-).
> --
> Emmanuel Charpentier
> Le lundi 19 mars 2018 14:06:15 UTC+1, Nicolas M. Thiéry a écrit :
>> On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 08:49:02AM -0700, William Stein wrote: 
>> > On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 7:43 AM, Emmanuel Charpentier 
>> > <> wrote: 
>> > > [...] However, most CASes now available do away without this 
>> mandatory declaration. 
>> > 
>> > And hence Sage should have automatic_names as a non-default *option*. 
>> Yeah; it's all a balance between simplicity vs risk of confusion. From 
>> using, teaching, and witnessing people teach SageMath, there are some 
>> contexts where you (or more likely your teacher!) know what you are 
>> doing, there is no risk of confusion, and simplicity primes. Most of 
>> the time we don't want it though. So +1 as well on automatic_names as 
>> an option not set by default. Also +1 on the message when a variable 
>> is created. 
>> Finally, I could suggest to write it as: 
>>         %automatic_names 
>> to highlight that this is a magic command that alters the behavior of 
>> the interpreter. 
>> Cheers, 
>>                 Nicolas 
>> -- 
>> Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <> 

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