On Nov 23, 2008, at 1:15 AM, Thomas Madden wrote:

> Tim,
> Here is a link to the discussion
> http://www.mapleprimes.com/forum/cpu-use
> I am a teacher and I used Maple quite a bit to make tests and
> handouts. It seemed to only happen in document mode where I was using
> pretty much just text and 2D formulas with some graphs. If I opened
> the doc for presentation it would be fine until I did any editing.
> Then I could see the cpu jump up in the activity monitor and it would
> stay there until I clicked outside in the finder. It may have been
> related to something else in my system. I never figured it out. I just
> stopped using it for the most part.

Oh, I don't use document mode so that might be why I didn't notice. I
only used worksheet mode because I'd regularly get annoyed with the 2D
input mode. For nice documents, I'd export individual results to LaTeX
using my modified version of Maple's LaTeX exporter (available on my
blog on the Mapleprimes site) which allowed me to customize how things
got exported using regular expressions.



Tim Lahey
PhD Candidate, Systems Design Engineering
University of Waterloo

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