"William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>     * Axiom?

Axiom does *elementary* integration.  That is, if the Risch algorithm applies,
it will find the result except in a few cases.  It does have some pattern
matching abilities, but these are not really worth mentioning.

FriCAS (axiom fork, which is the one used for Sage) fixes quite a few bugs in
the old axiom integrator.  We (FriCASers) are lucky to have Waldek as
maintainer, who knows integration fairly well.

I'd like to add that I'm working on a domain (in the FriCAS sense) that
implements "power series that satisfy an ADE", and these are closed under
integration, too.  Of course, in most cases, the result will be an ADE, not an
elementary function.  Below is a rudimentary example "on foot".

By the way, I think that "axiom.someop" should become "fricas.someop" in SAGE.
"axiom" is (meanwhile) quite misleading, FriCAS and axiom have parted.


Below, how to integrate "sum n^n/factorial n z^n" on foot:

(1) -> series([n^n/factorial n for n in 0..])$UTS(FRAC INT, x, 0)

               2   9  3   32  4   625  5   324  6   117649  7   131072  8
     1 + x + 2x  + - x  + -- x  + --- x  + --- x  + ------ x  + ------ x
                   2       3       24       5         720         315
     4782969  9   1562500  10      11
     ------- x  + ------- x   + O(x  )
       4480         567
                          Type: UnivariateTaylorSeries(Fraction(Integer),x,0)

(2) -> l := [1,1,2,9/2,32/3,625/24,324/5];

                                                Type: List(Fraction(Integer))
(3) -> guessADE l

                  n           ,          3       2
   [[function= [[x ]f(x): - xf (x) + f(x)  - f(x) = 0,f(0)= 1(0)!],order= 0]]

  Type: List(Record(function: Expression(Integer),order: NonNegativeInteger))

(4) -> integrate series([n^n/factorial n for n in 0..])$UTS(FRAC INT, x, 0)

         1  2   2  3   9  4   32  5   625  6   324  7   117649  8   131072  9
     x + - x  + - x  + - x  + -- x  + --- x  + --- x  + ------ x  + ------ x
         2      3      8      15      144       35       5760        2835
     4782969  10      11
     ------- x   + O(x  )
                          Type: UnivariateTaylorSeries(Fraction(Integer),x,0)

(5) -> guessADE entries complete first(coefficients %, 10)

                   n                        ,
     [function= [[x ]f(x): (- f(x) - x + 1)f (x) + f(x) - 1= 0,f(0)= 0(0)!],

      order= 0]
  Type: List(Record(function: Expression(Integer),order: NonNegativeInteger))

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