On Mar 13, 10:55 am, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Support,
> Just downloaded a binary for 3.4 for OSX.4 off the webpage, and it
> won't fully copy from the dmg to my computer.  To be precise, I get
> the following type of complaint:
> 'You cannot copy some of these items to the destination because their
> names are the same as the names of items on the destination, except
> for the case of some characters.'
> The item it is referring to is in local/bin, namely singular vs.
> Singular vs. Singular-3-0-4 vs. TSingular.  I don't tend to use
> Singular too much, so I'm tempted to just delete the file it's
> complaining about (singular, lower-case, whose total content is "#!/
> bin/sh Singular-3-0-4 $*"), but this seems very odd to me; I've never
> seen a Mac complain about this sort of capitalization thing before.

I wouldn't delete anything like that. It will likely break something
for the Sage <-> Singular interface.

> Any ideas?

The build box where that binary is being build had some changes to the
file system layout, i.e. William might have build on an NFS mount
instead of a local file system. I did a build on a local file system,
so once I find some time I will get that binary uploaded to test if it
makes a difference.

> - kcrisman


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