On Mar 15, 2009, at 11:09 PM, mabshoff wrote:

>> --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> -
>> | Sage Version 3.4, Release Date:  
>> 2009-03-11                         |
>> | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for  
>> information.        |
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> -
>> The SAGE install tree may have moved.
>> Regenerating Python.pyo and .pyc files that hardcode the install PATH
>> (please wait at
>> most a few minutes)...
>> Do not interrupt this.
> <SNIP>
>> ImportError: dlopen(/Applications/sage/local/lib/python2.5/site-
>> packages/sage/misc/randstate.so, 2): Library not loaded: /tmp/fooo/
>> sage-3.4/local/lib/libgmp.3.dylib
>>    Referenced from: /Applications/sage/local/lib//libcsage.dylib
>>    Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
>>         /Applications/sage/local/lib//libgmp.3.dylib: incompatible
>> cpu-subtype
> This seems to be the trouble, i.e. the MPIR we build on OSX 10.4/PPC
> is on a G4 and now seems to produce a library that does not run on a
> G3. That might be caused by newer XCode releases, but I am not 100%
> sure. I do not think that we changed anything inside MPIR that would
> cause this.
The next thing I will try is building from source -- I have not  
updated XCode.
It's just that "make" requires about 24 hours on my old, underpowered  


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