Harald Schilly wrote:
> On Jun 3, 8:45 pm, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>
> wrote:
>> Currently symbolic variables are un-indexable. What would people  
>> think of having indexing create new subscripted variables?
>> sage: a = var('a')
>> sage: a[0]
>> a_0
>> sage: latex(a[1,2])
>> a_{1,2}
> I like it, this idea could also be expanded to vectors, like
> a[0:3] == vector([a_0, a_1, a_2, a_3]) # note, also a_3

-1 to the a_3.  That goes against all of the slicing conventions in Python.

It is kind of a cool idea, though.  I'd like some time to try it out 
before committing one way or the other.

What about having a "experiment mode" in Sage that turns on things like 
this?  Some variable in some module somewhere that people can set to 
switch on some experimental behavior so they can test it out and give 
feedback.  In other words, setting sage.misc.misc.EXPERIMENT_MODE=True 
turns it on.


Jason Grout

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