> > Here is a variant on the original question: suppose I wanted to write
> > a line that creates a polynomial ring whose variables are a_{ij} for i
> > +j<=d. How should I do it? I might want to set this up, for example,
> sage: Inds = CartesianProduct(range(5), range(5))
> sage: vars = ["a"+str(i)+str(j) for i,j in Inds]

I think it would actually be something like

sage: vars = ["a"+str(i)+str(j) for i,j in Inds if i+j<5]

Of course you'd have to change 25 below.  Actually, I think the number
of variables is optional, though if you include it you need to
calculate the correct number of them :)

> sage: PolynomialRing(QQ,25,vars)
> Multivariate Polynomial Ring in a00, a01, a02, a03, a04, a10, a11,
> a12, a13, a14, a20, a21, a22, a23, a24, a30, a31, a32, a33, a34, a40,
> a41, a42, a43, a44 over Rational Field

- kcrisman
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