I gave a talk last night at the London Open Solaris User Group (LOSUG)
with the title "Porting Sage open source mathematics software to
OpenSolaris". I've stuck a copy of the presentation at


The talk generated quite a bit of interest - I lost count of the
number of questions. Someone emailed me today, to ask about
statisticians using Sage. I won't forward his message, since I don't
have his permission to do so, but the relevant bit is:

I had one specific question that I didn't think was of general
interest: I work in a statistics research unit and I had already
downloaded (your?) solaris-10 sparc build before the talk.

I wanted to ask, do you think sage offers a statistician (as opposed
to a mathematician)?  Perhaps I should ask if you know of any
statisticians already using sage?

I'm sure there are people far better placed to answer that question than me.


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