On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 11:37 AM, Mike Hansen <mhan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 11:33 AM, Nathann Cohen <nathann.co...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hello !
>>>    * As a language, Python is vastly superior to R.   Python has good
>>> support for object oriented programming, a very wide selection of
>>> existing programs and libraries, and supports threads for handling
>>> realtime data.    I recently read a paper about massive contortions
>>> somebody went through in trying to be build some system in R to model
>>> and respond to realtime data -- this was really hard in R, since R
>>> evidently doesn't have good support for threads.  But of course, R +
>>> Sage (via rpy2) would make it easy to combine the modeling power of R
>>> with the asynchronous capabilities of Python.
>> Just a few words on that one... I have had to stand statistics for one
>> year at the university, and I really ate R from morning till
>> evening... Even though I have forgotten almost all of it, there are
>> still two things for which R is vastly superior to python : matrices
>> and plots. This does not make it a better language than python, that's
>> perfectly True, but to anyone who would like to rewrite in Sage some
>> code written in R, this would mean a HUGE amount of work. The
>> manipulation of matrices in R is just amazing. If you want to strip
>> all the negative values contained in a matrix M, you but have to write
>> M * (M > 0). How easier can it et ? There is a thousand tricks like
>> that available in R that I noticed nowhere else. And the same goes for
>> plottings using R. I mean that on these two points, the R language is
>> much more expressive than any other I know.
> You can do this with numpy arrays:
> In [6]: import numpy as np
> In [7]: a = np.array([[1,-2],[-2,3]]); a
> Out[7]:
> array([[ 1, -2],
>       [-2,  3]])
> In [8]: a*(a>0)
> Out[8]:
> array([[1, 0],
>       [0, 3]])
> --Mike


The Python language is much more expressive than any other I know.


William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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