> As I have time, I'll look into where there might be a performance
> regression, but there have been a lot of code changes between June and
> now, and we haven't seen the performance regression on test.sagenb.org.

Well, there are not very many users on test.sagenb.org.  The problem
seems to only manifest itself when the new code is used on a really
heavily used server.

And to be fair, most of the new code is probably awesome!   Do you
have a sense that any of the new material is a likely culprit?  (For
instance, the new code re-enabling "viewable" sharing?)

> Is there a possibility of running the new codebase for sagenb.org again
> and getting the stack trace when the process is using that much CPU?

Excellent idea.  But maybe send out an email to sage-support or sage-
edu first to let people know, since there is a likely slowdown

- kcrisman

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