On Jun 20, 2013, at 2:14 PM, Emmanuel Charpentier 
<emanuel.charpent...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Ivan,
> It gets even weirder (it begins to look as the start of a summertime 
> thriller). *Before* seeing your last reply, I saw that sage 5.10 was out and 
> installed it on my "big desktop" machine (compilation from sources, 
> installation of the new R spkg and related patch, installation of 
> database_gap 4.5.7 as recommended by the readme, and of dot2tex and 
> sage_mode).
> This time, even after suppression of the .sage directory, it doesn't even 
> work : M-x sage succeeds, giving me a prompt ; but typesetting doesn't work. 
> Asking for 2+2 gives me :
> Typesetting \newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}4...
> [ BTW : I had to type this in this mail ; copy-and-paste from the emacs 
> wondow gives this :
> <html><script 
> type="math/tex">\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}4</script></html>
> ]
> in the *SAGE-main* buffer and the following messages in the *Messages* buffer 
> :
> Creation of `/home/charpent/.sage/tmp/emacs20421oDo' failed: Creating 
> directory: aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type, 
> /home/charpent/.sage/tmp/emacs20421oDo
> error in process filter: sage-view-process-overlay: Opening output file: 
> aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type, 
> /home/charpent/.sage/tmp/emacs20421oDo/sage-view_20421bAW.tex
> error in process filter: Opening output file: aucun fichier ou dossier de ce 
> type, /home/charpent/.sage/tmp/emacs20421oDo/sage-view_20421bAW.tex

I can confirm this problem in the absence of a .sage directory.  I have a fix 
for it, but in the mean time a simple

$ mkdir -p /Users/ivanandres/.sage/tmp/

before starting Emacs should fix it.

> Now for your questions : I cannot access tonight my "small desktop" machine, 
> which still has 5.9 and exhibits the original problem : it will have to wait 
> for tomorrow afternoon... Stay tuned !


> Thank you very much for your attention,
>                                                                   Emmanuel 
> Charpentier
> Le jeudi 20 juin 2013 20:44:08 UTC+2, Ivan Andrus a écrit :
> On Jun 20, 2013, at 8:32 AM, Emmanuel Charpentier <emanuel.c...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Le jeudi 20 juin 2013 03:05:21 UTC+2, Ivan Andrus a écrit :
>> Emmanuel,
>> That seems really weird.  
>> Indeed :-) It is even more weird than that : see after the answers to your 
>> questions…
> :-)
>> Did previous versions of sage and/or sage-mode work?  
>> Dunno : I started to switch to sage (from maxima) about 6 months ago, and I 
>> started with the notebook (which has its points for learning re: online 
>> documentation). Since I am a very *light* user of sage (my main profession 
>> has little to do with pure math, and my original profession absolutely none 
>> (even if we also work on hard roots:-)). I was veru fond of the imaxima 
>> mode, and wanted to emulate this behaviour with sage.
> Fair enough.
>> Can you start sage from the command line after it doesn't work from Emacs?  
>> Yes. Never was a problem
> Curiouser and curiouser.
>> How are you launching Emacs, from within Sage perhaps?  
>> Nope, the reverse : either "emacs -f sage" from the command line or M-x sage 
>> from within emacs. The habit came to me by way of R and ESS...
>> Do you exit Sage before exiting Emacs?  
>> Yes.
>> Do you do anything else "unusual"?  
>> Most of my professional entourage find unusual (to say the least) to need 
>> any form of symbolic math software... :-).
> :-)  Good job.
>> What does your .emacs contain (especially sage related)?
>> See enclosed copy
> It's pretty simple and I don't see anything that I think would cause the 
> problem...
>> The best would be if you could give a minimal recipe starting from `emacs 
>> -Q`.
>> Won't do any good to you : my "(require sage "sage") is in my .emacs, which 
>> won't get searchde when starting emacs with -Q flag.
> What I meant was something like
> $ emacs -Q
> ;; Evaluate in scratch:
> (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/local/sage/local/share/emacs")
> (require 'sage "sage")
> (setq sage-command "/usr/local/bin/sage")
> (require 'sage-view "sage-view")
> (add-hook 'sage-startup-after-prompt-hook 'sage-view)
> M-x sage RET
> C-x C-c
> Repeat.  
> Is that enough to reproduce it?  That eliminates other problems in your 
> .emacs file, though I don't think that's very likely the problem.  I think it 
> has to be something in .sage, but I've been wrong before. :-)
>> The simplest way : start emacs from command line or from a gnome icon, type 
>> "M-x sage" in the startum screen, and voilà : first time it works like a 
>> charm, second time (= second emacs invocation) : a dead emacs.
> What happens if you turn on debugging (M-x toggle-debug-on-quit RET) and then 
> run M-x sage and press C-g when it's frozen?
>> Now for the weirder part : I observed this behaviour on two machines : a 
>> "normal" desktop and a large desktop used as a server. On a third machine (a 
>> small notebook I bring with me almost everywhere), things work as 
>> advertised. I can't for the life of me state what differs between these 
>> machines re: sage and/or emacs. All of them also have texlive, R and maxima 
>> installations, all of them run Debian testing (updated often).
> Is there any way I could get a temporary account on the server to see if I 
> can debug it there?  Email me privately with username and password if so.
> Do they all have the same versions of Emacs, Sage, and same configuration 
> files?  Perhaps .bashrc could come into play as well by setting the 
> environment variable RANDOM_BUGS=1 :-)
>> Heisenbug ?
> Well, I've certainly never seen it, but there's probably a good reason for it.
>> Sincerely,
>>                                Emmanuel Charpentier
> -Ivan
>> -Ivan
>> On Jun 19, 2013, at 11:10 AM, Emmanuel Charpentier <emanuel.c...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> A precision : "The first time" meants "th first emacs session" : at the 
>>> first invpcatio of emacs, you can quit a sage session, kill the 
>>> corresponding buffer and re-launch sage in emacs at will : it will work. 
>>> But if you leave emacs and lauch it again, you will get a dead sage and a 
>>> waiting-forever emacs.
>>>     Emmanuel Charpentier
>>> Le mercredi 19 juin 2013 15:50:48 UTC+2, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit :
>>> Dear list,
>>> I quite recently installed sage_mode 0.9.1 on my installation of sage 5.9 
>>> (patched with a newer R version) on Debian jessie.
>>> The firs try is a charm : output gets typeset in emacs (emacs24), plots are 
>>> plotted (a bit too wide and way too tall for an 80x24 frame, but that's not 
>>> my point). Joy.
>>> The second time, nothing works  : emacs waits forever for a sage process 
>>> whose python is gone zombie (ps axf dixit). I have to kill -TERM it.
>>> Various attempts are inefficient until, SOL, I move away my .sage directory 
>>> : lo ! Emacs works again (one time...) and sage ditto. But, of course, this 
>>> creates a new .sage directiory, which has exactly the same problems. 
>>> Aaaarghhh...
>>> Any hint ?
>>> setup
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