We do have convex hull and lines. What would be lacking for your 
application are discs and their intersection with polyhedra.

sage: line = Polyhedron(vertices=[(0,-1)], lines=[(1,1)])
sage: (triangle & line).vertices()
(A vertex at (8/5, 3/5), A vertex at (3/2, 1/2))

On Thursday, April 24, 2014 7:02:21 AM UTC+1, Dominique Laurain wrote:
> I need same packages that Ed asked for.
> Nowadays I do geometry coding myself basic functions in SAGE worksheets 
> (to do intersection of lines etc).
> I do this using the "Rational Trigonometry philosophy" :-)..see 
> njwilderger youtube videos and book.
> Previously I played a little with Tex tools (pst-tricks and 
> pst-eucl)..check about pstricks too...at that time and until now, I
> was interested with tilings.
> In SAGE we have the basics tools (vectors,matplotlib...) but I feel there 
> are not the "intermediate" tools : convex hull, rules and compass 
> constructions, origami tools and so on.
> I can code some (for example, convex hull: I know an algorithm "paquet 
> cadeau" ...but everytime I feel to reinvent wheel.
> What is not enough with Tex is that all is static : for example, you 
> cannot have the generic solution of two lines AB and CD where A,B,C,D are 
> 2D points with variables coordinates...because it is no more static 
> geometry but symbolic computations (solving equations / inequations).

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