I was hoping that it might be missing dependencies when building sagenb, 
but when I tried this, it didn't help. Maybe something this will work:

./configure --with-python=2 --enable-sagenb=yes 
--enable-flask_autoindex=yes --enable-flask_babel=yes --enable-flask=yes 
--enable-flask_oldsessions=yes --enable-flask_openid=yes 
--enable-flask_silk=yes --enable-twisted=yes --enable-speaklater=yes

followed by


(When we switched to Python 3, we made various packages optional, some of 
which are necessary for sagenb. We didn't record them as dependencies of 
sagenb, so "--enable-sagenb=yes" is not sufficient to build them.)

On Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 4:52:14 AM UTC-8 Xie wrote:

> Yes. If one people  edit the notebook  then the other's browser will auto 
> refresh.  Not a very good experience, just works.
> 在2020年11月18日星期三 UTC+8 下午5:04:02<dim...@gmail.com> 写道:
>> On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 2:42 AM Xie <xiehon...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks, but jupyterhub  does not supoort  real-time collaboration now 
>>> though  roadmap  contains  this.
>> there was no RTC (2+ people working on the same sheet in real time) in 
>> sageNB either, if I recall right.
>> The jupyter roadmap is via jupyterlab, I think.
>>> 在2020年11月18日星期三 UTC+8 上午2:07:29<dim...@gmail.com> 写道:
>>>> On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 2:50 PM Xie <xiehon...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Yes.  I use  *Jupyter* *Notebook*   myself. But  I need share with 
>>>>> other people sometimes.  And  *Jupyter* Notebook*  does not* provide 
>>>>> a server mode to make the others register an  account.  
>>>> what you need is 
>>>> https://jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
>>>> Here are SageMath-specific instructions: 
>>>> https://opendreamkit.org/2018/10/17/jupyterhub-docker/
>>>> see also 
>>>> https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/trouble-getting-sagemath-up-and-running-solved/1354
>>>> (there conda is recommended, and perhaps it is indeed the quickest way 
>>>> to get everything set up)
>>>> The SageMath docs on this are not complete, but there is work being 
>>>> done on it:
>>>> https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/30476
>>>>> Most students use Windows, which is not very friendly to SageMath.   I 
>>>>> also tried Cocalc in  Docker. Its UI   is a bit complicated for 
>>>>> *newbie*.
>>>>> In addition, Ubuntu 18.04 and Archlinux can run SageMath 8.9 without 
>>>>> problems.  Now I use  SageMath 8.9 on 
>>>>> a Ubuntu 18.04   server to run SageNB.
>>>>> 在2020年11月17日星期二 UTC+8 下午9:44:53<dim...@gmail.com> 写道:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> SageMath never supported SageNB on Python3, it did not "drop" such a 
>>>>>> support.
>>>>>> SageNB has been *retired *since SageMath stopped supporting Python2 
>>>>>> in version 9.2, and it is high time to switch to
>>>>>> another notebook solution, while converters from SageNB are readily 
>>>>>> available.
>>>>>> This should not be a surprise, as a deprecation notice for SageNB has 
>>>>>> been up since Sage 8.5 (i.e. in 2018), I think,
>>>>>> see https://github.com/sagemath/sagenb/pull/451 and 
>>>>>> https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/25852
>>>>>> Having said that, I could also point out that the latest Arch, as 
>>>>>> well as the latest update of Ubuntu 18.04 have been released after Sage 
>>>>>> 9.1, so there is absolutely no guarantee that 9.1 would work on them, 
>>>>>> with 
>>>>>> Python 2 or 3.
>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>> Dima
>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 1:07 PM 漂 <xiehon...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Hi,  I maintain a  SageNB server since 2011. But as you know, 
>>>>>> SageMath has droped the support of SageNB on Python3. Now I want to run 
>>>>>> SageNB in SagaMath 9.1. But I failed many times. 
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I follows the codes  by Samuel Lelièvre given  in
>>>>>> >  
>>>>>> https://ask.sagemath.org/question/53501/get-the-error-nameerror-name-_interact_-is-not-defined-when-run-sagenb/
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > make configure 
>>>>>> > ./configure --with-python=2 --enable-sagenb=yes
>>>>>> >  make -s V=0
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I have tried the source "sage-9.1.tar.gz" and  the tag9.1 source in 
>>>>>>  github. I test on Archl linux and Ubuntu 18.04.  I always get the 
>>>>>> following error. 
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in 
>>>>>> <module> File "_sage_input_6.py", line 8, in <module> 
>>>>>> _interact_.SAGE_CELL_ID=1 NameError: name '_interact_' is not defined
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > This problem may be caused by the codes in 
>>>>>> sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sagenb-1.1.3-py2.7.egg/sagenb/notebook/worksheet.py.
>>>>>> In the line ~3145.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > def initialize_sage(self):
>>>>>> >   S = self.__sage 
>>>>>> >    try: 
>>>>>> >        from . import misc
>>>>>> >         cmd = '''import base64 
>>>>>> > import sagenb.misc.support as _support_ 
>>>>>> > import sagenb.notebook.interact as _interact_ 
>>>>>> > # for setting current cell id .... ''' 
>>>>>> > S.execute(cmd)
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I think 'cmd' is not be executed. If I put some error code in 
>>>>>> 'cmd', there were nothing happened.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > --
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>>>>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/sage-support/5aff084a-1ad0-48ab-9877-dde13087b289n%40googlegroups.com
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