Dear list

Now that the *gratis* (but by no means free) [Wofram 
engine]( can be used for "pre-production" 
projects, it seems to me that it *could* be installed on 
``, this allowing access to the 
`algorithm="mathematica"` options and, more generally, using Mathematica 
algorithms for comparison with Sage ones... This is sometimes more than 

Technically, installing it on a Debian machine, and on a WSL installation 
of Sage under Windows was a breeze. It should be possible to install it on 
whatever runs the Sagecell server

Legally, perusing the [FAQ]( makes me 
think that this use *could* be alowed unfer Wolfram's terms, but I am by no 
means any kind of lawyer...

The same could also apply to Cocalc ... except that Cocalc is also a 
commercial product, therefore excluded from Wolfram terms for the *gratis* 
Wolfram engine...

Reactions ? Advices ?

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