This comes up again and again in the list, and the main thing that
needs to be done here is a server-side-processed XML template.  SA
generates the XML file, and then a separate ASP or ASPX page reads the
XML file as a datasource and displays the data in whatever order/style
you want.

It's possible - it's just not easy, hahaha.


Wednesday, June 18, 2003, 9:29:06 AM, you wrote:

DB> Within the SA generated HTML files the entries are always sorted by group
DB> first, and thus it won't be possible the way you want to do it.

DB> dirk.

DB> -----Original Message-----
DB> Of Richard Temple
DB> Sent: Wed Jun 18 4:06 PM
DB> Subject: [SA-list] Group Sorting

DB> I'm finally starting to take advantage of groups within Servers Alive
DB> (4.0.1433) + Brent's Sangfroid ASP pages / database logging.
DB> I've setup three groups, High, Medium and Low. I'll then set the alerting
DB> options according to which group the check goes into. I'm hoping that when
DB> Dirk completes the improvements to the global add/change this will then mean
DB> I can easily make global changes to the alerting.
DB> Any comments anyone ? Does this seem logical ?
DB> Anyway, one query is that on the output to html, I want to force it to sort
DB> the groups in the order that I want. This is because the output that Brent's
DB> default_template.asp generates only shows those checks that have failed or
DB> are in maintenance. Hence I want to see High at the top of the HTML page,
DB> Medium,then Low.
DB> Can it be done ?

DB> Best wishes

DB> Richard Temple

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