On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, Ian Collier wrote:

> Actually, the service you describe sounds as though it would be disallowed
> by the monopolies and mergers commission.

On what grounds? We don't have a BT phone line, we're on Cambridge Cable.
The only money BT get from us is the monthly charge, and a share of the
profit when we call their 0845 weekday number.

Actually, I may have got the name wrong (there are so many, these days...
and it wasn't actually me who sorted it all out.) www.btinternet.com seems
to describe it as "Plan Unlimited"...

They reserve the right to cut you off after a single call of two hours,
but we've found that often doesn't happen. They generally don't cut you
off at exactly midnight on Sunday either, in fact we've had up to 56 hours
of a PPP session during the 48 hour free period!


 --  Andrew Collier  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  --        My other
  --      http://mnemotech.ucam.org      --       .sig is a
   -- Part 3 Materials Science, Cambridge --      PDF file

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