From: Ian Collier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 09:32:16AM +0100, Andrew Collier wrote:
>> Actually we're using BT Clickfree at home - there's a monthly charge of
>> around 10 UKP, but for that you get really-free access at weekends. And
>> considering we generally max out our 56k modem for about 40hours each
>> weekend, it does work out a lot cheaper that the "free" ISPs.


>Actually, the service you describe sounds as though it would be disallowed
>by the monopolies and mergers commission.

Nah, ClaraNET have started something similar (Can't remember the name of the
service - Freecall?). One of the new packages is that if you pay an extra 11.75
a month, you get unlimited free weekend calls, and there are other packages
which deal with weekdays, limited free hours, etc... See as
I expect they'll have a big announcement about it.

It's an amazing development, an ingenious solution to the problems of not having
free local phone calls.


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