On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 12:56:06PM +0100, Nick Humphries wrote:
> From: Ian Collier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >                                       How much does an 0800 call actually
> >cost the company?

> The trick appears to be to not use an 0800 number. 

As has been pointed out, I was referring to the BT service which does use an
0800 number.  If BT Internet doesn't pay a charge to the teleco branch of BT
for the use of this 0800 number then, from what I understand, this could be
viewed as unfair competition.  (I am working more or less on hearsay evidence
though, I should admit.)

>                                                    So long as you keep records
> of who accesses from where for how long and what deal they have (Claranet
> already does this for one of their tariffs), you can pass this info on to BT
> who'll make the correct deductions from your bill.

But then you presumably have to pay BT to do this, so where do you get
the cash from?  Is this scheme necessarily cheaper than just using an
0800 number, or is that just so that Claranet can limit the number of
free hours?


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