On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 11:43:10AM +0100, Nick Humphries wrote:
> From: Ian Collier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Actually, the service you describe sounds as though it would be disallowed
> >by the monopolies and mergers commission.

> Nah, ClaraNET have started something similar

That's different.  The point about the other service is that BT runs it: if
they are doing it by cross-subsidising their ISP from profits made on phone
calls then this would be deemed unfair competition and disallowed.  That is
the irony of the non-free BT click service: while Freeserve is allowed to
get a cut of the money you pay to BT for your local call, BT click is not -
hence their need to charge you an extra penny per minute on top of the call

>                                                      See http://www.clara.net 
> as
> I expect they'll have a big announcement about it.

Well they do, but it doesn't tell you how they achieve it.  Do you call
them up on your normal BT line or what?


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