-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Collier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no <sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no>
Date: 30 July 1999 15:50
Subject: Re: Hello again...

>On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 04:13:43PM +0100, Nick Humphries wrote:
>> Maybe it's a compromise. Consider this: how much business would BT lose out
>> if ClaraNET did this with another telco instead of BT? ClaraNET wins because
>> gets more customers because they want "free phone calls". BT wins because it
>> gets SOME money instead of losing that bit of business to a competitor.
>Well, I don't know how much a local-rate phone call actually costs BT to
>run, but presumably it is non-zero.  It also costs Clara to maintain the
>modems and pay for its transatlantic link.  It just seemed unlikely to me
>that the extra cash would cover it.

Nothing to lose any sleep over. ClaraNET aren't losing anything since the
standard subscription fee covers their costs, and BT earns something like £100
clear profit a second anyway. I just think BT is forced to cut their losses
(losing a bit of money in phone charges is better than losing the custom of a
large ISP), and ClaraNET took advantage of that fact.


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