Justin Skists wrote:
> > From: Gordon Wallis [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >Sorry for the harsh tone of that! I took exception to the phrase "It was
> >always going to". I have trouble believing it's predestined, even with
> >Sony's best advertising execs on the case.
> Heh.. No worries...
> You got something against Sony or summink! :)
Oh, only in that they've introduced entirely the wrong sort of people to
gaming. Actually, I blame them (rightly or wrongly) for the state of
much of the 'civilised' world. I don't blame games for making people
violent, but when violent people discover games...
Also, the utter ignorance of much of the youth of today can be pinned
firmly on little kiddies spending more time on their PlayStation than
self-improvement. Most of 'em don't understand the concept of
'self-improvement', except insofar as beating their own high scores.
(I sound like such an old fuddy-duddy!..)

> >May they be
> >consigned to the most pestilent pits of Hell, there to be forever
> >Satan's sexual plaything.
> Sounds like you've seen the southpark movie...
Whatever gave you that idea? Been talking to that uncle-fucker Saddam
Hussein? ;-)

> >People have been trying to do Elite for ages now... Privateer2, HardWar,
> >that sort of thing. It's a difficult trick to pull off (even Braben
> >messed it up the last time!). Problem is, with the PS market being how
> >it is, it just wouldn't sell. The average user doesn't have the
> >attention span.
> Agreed! People these days want instant kicks and adrenaline rushes.
A need fuelled by Sony's advertising strategy. All quick bursts, no
substance. And I find that 'Mental Wealth' ad slightly disturbing...

> Actually, I have no idea why I never got into other strategy games like
> C'n'C, etc...
Maybe because it's multi-level, set goals, limited room to maneuver. Not
exactly realistic. I prefer the free-flowing, no set goals type of game
to an extent, but they can get infuriating if you get stuck in a rut for
too long (trading between Lave and Zaonce in Elite, for example). I
quite like Bullfrog's stuff, compared to Westwood's... but my eye is
firmly on Lionhead now, as Molyneux is more actively involved in his
projects again, an coming up with some interesting angles on strategy.

> Those were real games... i still play speccy games once in a while.
On an emulator, or the real thing?
(Nothing beats the feel of rubber under one's fingers. I'm talking
keyboards, naturally!)


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