I can't decide if the parents aren't aware of what the kids are watching, or
if they do know and just don't care... either way, it worries me.

My son, Simon, is 9 and has only recently got a tv in his bedroom (thanks to
his grandparents). We have an agreement that he can only watch things he
would normally watch on the tv downstairs - kids tv, football, etc - and
when his friends come round they leave the door open while they're viewing;
that way I know he's not being persuaded to put something unsuitable on.

Also, if I video anything "unsuitable for family viewing" I keep the tape
out of harms way, watch it when Simon isn't around, then record over it
again afterwards. It might be a little excessive, but personally I'm happier
erring on the side of caution. Of course, once he grows up, it'll be up to
him what he watches, but for now I choose to take responsibility for my
child's viewing.

Moving on slightly - this week we had a bomb scare and the centre of town
was cordoned off for several hours "while a suspect device was made safe"...
fortunately there were no casualties, and no damage except to the phone box
it was placed in. One 10 year old actually told me it would've been cool if
it had exploded and killed people! I found myself wondering what sort of
programmes *he* watches?

(it's o.k., I'm getting back down off the soapbox now)

-----Original Message-----
From: James R Curry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no <sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no>
Date: 30 September 1999 18:05
Subject: Re: South park

> Although Southpark is funny, I think it should be prohibited.
> There are too many bad threads, especially for children (children
> like every cartoons, especially when they consist of many words
> like sh*t, f*ck, b**ch etc.)

Someone lets their kids watch a show that's on TV at 11 o'clock at
night and then complains about the suitability.

It's not the TV networks responsibility to soften everything for
children's eyes when it's designed for adults, shown at such an hour
and run with a disclaimer.

The burden here should be upon the parents and the second people
realise this and stop blaming the worlds problems on faceless
executives at TV networks, the better.  Hell, if it were on at 6pm,
I'd agree with you, but as it stands there is no responsible parent
on Earth who would let their children watch such a show.  If it's on
after the watershed, they should carefully screen it before letting
their kids.

Sorry Aley, but it's not TVs job to make up for a parent's

> And there is to much rasism, anti-semitism, nationalism,
> and all other isms's (even more than I know....)
> they're against Jews, B.Streisand, and I don't
> know whatever.....?
> ...but many people consider it funny...

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