> Stuart Brady wrote:
> > IIRC, SimCoupe has forked into ports for Windows, DOS, Mac, and UNIX.
> > This is turning into a major problem, IMO.
> Well, a temporary fork to be joined back up again.  I've stripped it all
> down, removed some stuff and added lots more back in.  I'm aiming for a
> common core set of modules with as much as possible that's platform
> independant (and _no_ conditional code!), onto which a platform specific
> of modules is added to provide input/sound/video etc.  It's pretty much
> getting there now, but I'm still thinning it out to leave as little as
> possible for each platform.

This sounds very well.

> DOS support will probably get dropped as the Windows version will be
> preferred by most (unless someone fancies doing it!).  The UNIX modules
> probably the most likely to get done next, and there are a few people up
> that I believe.  Mac and BeOS versions shouldn't be too far behind
> hopefully...
> Si

Currently, when there's no really working Win32 version, I try to keep DOS
But I don't make and don't going to make any radical changes or innovations.
The last big things I added were 32bit sound support, and GZ-packed disk
(what Si ignored, and made his own standard - oooh like Microsoft.....).

So I ask here: Is there anybody who will want DOS version, when we will have
Win32 one?
(I wonder so many people say "Windows" when they talk about Win32. It's like
RedHat instead of Linux.)

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