Today, "Aley Keprt" did write about "Re: [OT] Pass it on, spread it around...":
> As far as I know, ILOVEYOU can't be activated by previewing received e-mail.
> If you read this somewhere, please let me know and I'll look too.
> I heard that there exist a 'virus' which is activated without clicking an
> attachment, but that 'virus' resides in e-mail, not in an attachment.

KAK worm?

I believe is a bit of javascript which will infect your computer if your
eamil reader displays the HTML version of the email and runs the
javascript.  Presumably a 'preview' pane is enough to run this.

This is one good reason why HTML formatted email should just be directed
to /dev/null at the mail server ;-)

I had an email the other day with KAK worm at the end.


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