>The problem is that without an IDE, then a debugger is pretty useless.
You need something
>which will allow you to track the current position of code and refer it
back to a particular > section of source, and automatically take you to
that source.

But this could be taken the route SN Systems did and intergrated into
MSDev say, this could then be AS ONE, but as Frode Said "You don't NEED
that. I have no problems whatsoever having source code in one window and
the debugger/simulator in another. Compiling in a third. Actually, I
prefer it." , and I would agree 100%, and we could take MS Os as a point
and say intergration helps, but also cause more issues etc!!!. I have
done Gbc/Gba/ps1 & now ps2 without any form of intergrated Debugger , it
helps but not in everyday codding , only in starting out, however on the
sam theres not much else that could be done , just maybe a little better
n faster :)

The Compiler in question works wonderfully , and it only takes a small
Watcom (or any other maker) to get working 

I personnaly don't think simcoupe should have anything intregrated as
then it would no longer be a emulator in it purest form, but then again
that's not my call lmao

Just my 1/2 p worth (not worth anymore than that lol)


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Ppps. I know i can't spell and all my grammer is wrong , so there's no
need to point it out :) 
-- Sig Off --

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