>But tight integration = faster development = more software.
>It's an initial time investment which brings significant long-term

But I have to disagree here, the coding mostly takes less time than the
GFX/Presentation etc, how will intergration help you with that ?

By this I mean , if you have pages of TXT to enter , and the IDE is
trying to set it out as source with tabs etc, remember the coder is only
1/5 of the whole development process
(Designer,coder,Artist,musician,testers), and sometimes they are the
same person !!

This is just my experince , nothing more, intergration only helps to a
point , after that it becomes a hinderence.

And as for more software , first we need to create good software , how
many more Fifa's can there be, next there will be versions everytime a
play is injured pmsl.


-- Sig On --
Ppps. I know i can't spell and all my grammer is wrong , so there's no
need to point it out :) 
-- Sig Off --

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