I have already spent time over the last couple of months tracking down
programmers and have been able to secure the re-release of some Sam games which will be appearing on future Sam Revival coverdisks under the heading 'Classic Coupe Collection'. The first coverdisk with issue 9 which featured
Manic Miner was the start of this.

Along the way, I've also discovered some unreleased Sam titles too, such as Invasion II that is on the current issue of the magazine, and along with
some totally new Sam programs there will be quite a variety of
never-seen-before programs to spice up the Sam Revival coverdisks.

That's all fair enough, and I don't want to step on anyone's toes but at the same time, it's not the same as an archive? Wouldn't it be better to ask authors if we can share it freely on the net, rather than put the stuff on yet another floppy disk that's still going to get lost to time?


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