Quoting Geoff Winkless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Colin Piggot wrote:
> > Well, December 2004 see's the 15th Birthday of the Sam Coupe! Did
> > anyone here receive their Sam in December 1989 when they were
> > released, and did it live up to your initial expectations?
> Yes and yes. I'd spent pretty much all my pennies from my paper-round and
> was well chuffed when it arrived. Business Post.
> I remember being disappointed about the disk not working but then going
> through the demo tape and being utterly gobsmacked when the screen grab of
> the astronaut came on screen.
> Simpler times :)

Happier times too! You appreciated things in those days much more. I spent hours
upon hours with my first couple of Fred disks and Prince Of Persia, just
because that was all I had at the time, and I got huge amounts of pleasure out
of all of them. *sniff*


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