On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 23:35:55 +0000 Dan Dooré <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My current project is taking the usable, non-warez bits of GoodSAMC and 
> incorporating them into the tree for samcoupe.org, which, unsuprisingly, 
> is the same structure as NVG.  This one may take a bit of time to 
> complete though as I've not got the full 789 GoodSAMC files yet which I 
> want before I start extracting them into the tree.

As everybody know, the GoodSAMC is an archive floating around 
"out-there". I have no direct influence on what is on the actual
images. However, I have made it slightly more available and tried 
removing copyrightet material from it. However, I do not particularly
like the layout of the archive.

> GoodSAMC is for "ROMS" collectors as far as I am concerned and is 
> heaving full of copyright material ripped and packed so not much use 
> when we want the archive to be images of the actual discs we aim to preseve.

I agree.

> The only problem is that most of the stuff on discs was only ever in 
> that format and sequential format like TAP is kind of no-sensical - what 
> happens when you want to write the high score table back to disc? Update 
> a file?

Discs was (and still is) the standard way of distributing SAM software.
The only reason for any TAP support must be to archive the Flash!
tape, the SAMDOS tape and the two games ever released on tape in a
reproducible format.

There is no practical reason for having separate single-file archives
(as opposed to discs). The extra amount of a compressed SAMDOS2 file
takes is a minuscle 7K and if one is unhappy with the layout, one
can always change it oneself. :)


^ Frode Tennebø         | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ^
| Ericsson AS           | Isebakkeveien 49                  |
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