Thanks for the detailed reply :)

Can`t wait to be able to afford a Mayhem, hopefully sometime after
Christmas  :) I`ve got loads of ideas, but it`s hard coding for it
on emulator in some ways.


If I had a black track instead of textured then there could even be no
need to mask the sprites, 
or switch between two screens,
could just have some black below them etc
to rub the car out itself? That 8*8 pixel machine code (on a Flex disk I think)
has got me thinking that the smaller the graphics the better. And I presume
it would be quicker for the/a MC sprite routine if all "Sprite`s" were a fixed
size... Could I just ask please if it`s much of an inconvenience, if you wanted 
write say three different small (or unrolled) graphics routines, for different
sized graphics, and load them all and use them all? How practible would this be?

The Basic part could be speeded up a lot, by Gosubing  a script, that would 
place the Computer cars at certain places, so they`d be quite dumb like a 
skaletrix, but would be able to randomly (or not so randomly) switch between 
about 5 tracks and stuff to get in the way etc. Just so that there`s Let 
Car1X=Car1X+2 and other code  etc needed.

something like
1000 Def Proc Lev1
1010 Gosub Car1 : Gosub Car2 : Gosub Car3
1020 Car1Switch :Car2Switch : Car3Switch : procs would only be 3 or 4 lines
1030 if Inkey$=L$ or Inkey$= l$ then SwitchToL :rem Code to switch tracks or 
ram car
1040 If Inkey$=R$ or inkey$=r$ then SwitchToR   
1050 If (Code to test Shift Key)  then  Let Speed=Speed+1 AND Speed<6
1060 If Inkey$=firesaysthepirate and Arrrgg=0 then then Gosub FireInit:Let 
1065 If Arrrgg=1 then gosub MovBullit
1070 If Inkey$=Oil$ and Oils>0 then Gosub Oils: Let Oils=Oils-1

1080 GoSub Tim : Another script like thing to do other extras and place pickups
1090 Call Cars (Machine Code Routine)
1095 GoTo 1010: End Proc
2000 Car1 Script
2010 Let Car1X=200,Car1Y=55 : Let Car1=Car1+10 : Return
2020 Let Car1X=204,Car1Y=55 : Let Car1=Car1+10 : Return
 etc etc, with a once per loop jump to a Line that randomly speeds the car
   up, or slows it down, by adding or taking away 5 or 7 etc to
    the variable Car1 or switches it Track, by affecting Car1Y
2030 Let Car1X=208,Car1Y=55 : Let Car1=Car1+10 : Return
2035 Let Car1x=208,Car1Y=58 : Let Car1=Car1+10 : Return
2040 Let Car1X=212,Car1Y=55 : Let Car1=Car1+10 : Return
2045 Let Car1X=212,Car1Y=58 : Let Car1=Car1+10 : etc etc, or diff line for X 
2050 Let Car1X=216,Car1Y=55 : Let Car1=Car1+10: Return

The code for collisions could hopefully be handled by a look up
table, or some fancy Def FN`s, but I`m afraid I`d need some
help possibly,as never really done that before, or possibly
the code could be initially handled by comparing the Car1 gosub variables, Car2 
etc with player and each other initially, as it`d know there basic position
quickly and know if there at other ends of track, anyhow that`s the only real 
thing making me worry... Collision detections gonna be the biggest amount of 
needs doing, and I`m not sure if Basics gonna be fast enough to show
the MC code off reasonably if I just call it after each loop.

I was thinking the main Player would work much the same, way
but have more lanes perhaps, so you could give more of a nice,
feel and not make the controls too fiddly if you instantly switch
three lanes by mistake, or you could perhaps slide out dureing corner`s...

What do you think, would it be worth tackling it in this way, I`m not
sure how much speed could be got from some MC in there verses
Put, but SAMs basic is quite slow once you start giving it
a lot of commands to process, some MC could hopefully give more time back
to run more of a complicated game engine, so I just hope it could be more
advanced than another glorified LCD type game, but with quick graphics :)

The one thing tuff about doing it this way, is all the lines of Gosub code
needed to place each car, it`d be a sqeeze getting it under 64K, and
Basic startes crashing, locking up then :(

I`m truly sorry for my stoned ramble, but it`s nice talking
about programming ;)


Adrian Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:        v\:* 
{behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* 
{behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}              
       Dont worry about the speed, just order a mayhem accelerator ;)  But yes, 
redrawing the entire screen can be very slow.  Ideally what you do is more like:
                  Clear the grab buffers
                  Set the display to page 1
                  Update your game logic, move the cars etc
                  Put the contents of grab buffer 2 back in the old position 
for each sprite
                  Grab the area under each sprite into their grab buffer 2, 
remember the position for redrawing
                  Use the MC sprite routine to draw the sprites on page 2 in 
the positions
                  Set the display to page 2, showing the sprites in the new 
                  Update your game logic, move cars etc
                  Put the contents of grab buffer 1 back in the old position 
for each sprite
                  Grab the area under each sprite into their grab buffer 1, 
remember the position for redrawing
                  Use the MC sprite routine to draw the sprites on page 1 in 
the positions
  This is a little more tricky as you have to keep 2 copies of the grab buffer 
(one for each screen, apparently some people say you can do it with one buffer 
but ive not had much luck with that).  
  It depends on the MC routine, some do know about the Screen/display commands, 
some don’t, its not always that hard to alter.  The grabbing is a similar MC 
    From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Calvin Allett
 Sent: 16 May 2007 02:46
 To: Adrian
 Subject: RE: MC Interrupts
  `Did someone call? ;) Yes it was the early issues, it was issues 1-5 i think,
 ` i was only talking to colin this evening about that, now ive moved i
 ` really need to get on with finishing it, although i lost all my code
 ` when i lost the sam harddrive.  Ive now got a sam in a can and have
 ` some new flash cards on order so ill get back to it and finish the
 ` little game, maybe some articles on learning mc can be arranged.
 A S-I-A-Can.... Lucky Bas... erm... I mean sweet :D  I haven`t got the articles
 in question, but meaning to get those issue`s, so if you`ll be hopefully doing
 more then that`s brilliant.
 `To use something like that from basic, you could just do the following
 ` (this is off the top of my head after a bottle of wine, so it maybe
 ` wrong ;) )  But each frame you could do the following (its basically
 ` a double buffer system but from basic).  When i say page 1, page 2 –
 ` i don’t mean physical memory pages, but any particular page, again
 ` from memory it might have been the screen command that allowed you
 ` to open up and use different screens.  If you don’t know then ill
 ` try and dig up the info tomorrow.
 Yeah, your right, it`s the Screen command, with also the Display
 command for the flipping.. :) Would a MC routine, know which
 area in RAM to draw too, if Basic was flipping screens though, just thought. OR
 could a copy of a routine be used to either draw to screen 1 or 2, so from
 Basic call the correct one? I`m never sure if you can have a small MC routine, 
and a copy, because if they both need to be paged in or whatever...
 `                Set the display to page 1`
 `                Update your game logic, move the cars etc`
 `                Use the MC sprite routine to draw the sprites on page 2 in 
the positions`
 `                Set the display to page 2, showing the sprites in the new 
 `               Update your game logic, move cars etc
 `                Use the MC sprite routine to draw the sprites on page 1 in 
the positions
 `               Repeat ;)
 `You still need to either A) handle storing what was under the sprites
 ` and putting it back, or B) just redraw the entire screen before you
 ` draw the sprites.  B) is the easiest to start with but can be slow,
 ` but the key is to get things working then speed them up. Doing this
 ` you are only actually updating when you want to, you don’t need interrupts,
 ` you don’t need anything clever in MC to do checking etc.
 I`ve tried drawing the complete (well 2/3rd`s of the screen) using double
 buffering in `Jimf `n Oobs` and it knocks it to about 4 fps, so been thinking
 of for a car game, defining area`s where cars may be, since the tracks
 will only be about 24 pixels high or wide and drawing that if a car/s
 is in that region, this shouldn`t be much of a problem...
 I`ll try and knock up a demo of what I have in mind over the next few days,
 and you can hopefully see whether or not you think a MC routine would be
 possible/beneficial :)
 `I might be completely off track here, so let me know J
 Your not ;)  Oh, and `off track`.... very good, is that a pun :)
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