Dave wrote:
> Anyway, it seems my TV doesn't realise the signal is not interlaced!

Hmmm... sounds an interesting telly! The "comb effect" definitely shows it's
interlacing. I've not come across a telly that will automatically interlace
non-interlaced video before - although I have seen one that refuses to sync
to the SAM - a bit of a dodgy widescreen 26" CRT!

Now the question is, depending how the TV is interlacing the frames, and how
many frames there's been since the SAM was powered up - when the 'Interlaced
Pictures' from FRED are loaded the frames might show with the intended
'interlacing', or be reversed - if 'A' is the frame with the top row, 'B' is
the frame with the row to be shown below, your telly could interlace
correctly so the TV displays with the lines ordered ABABAB, or could be out
of order and display BABABA....  (hope that makes sense!)

> Makes me want to dig out those Fred issues with "interlaced" images on
> to see how they look.  If only my drive worked...  (Colin, do you still
> spare belts? :-)

Should do, I'll drop you an email in a bit once i've checked :)

Quazar : Hardware, Software, Spares and Repairs for the SAM Coupe
1995-2008 - Celebrating 14 Years of developing for the SAM Coupe
Website: http://www.samcoupe.com/

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