Talking about division through multiplication and a table lookup, On Tue, 3
Jun 2008 08:28:21 -0700, "Simon Cooke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Never implemented it, but the principle is sound. It's not tremendously
> different to a reciprocal table.

I never implemented it on z80 but I did do the same on ARM (where it gives
you a massive win since there's a MUL instruction but no DIV). 

Without wanting to teach egg-sucking, it's fairly simple in concept: you
just multiply the two numbers then shift the result down.

So to divide an 8 bit number in L by 14, you need to multiply by (256/14)=
18(ish) then use the H register as your result... so that gives you

  L * (256 / 14) / 256

The 256's cancel each other out, so you end up with

  L * (1 / 14)

Obviously there's a loss of accuracy but it does mean you can get away with
a table of 256 bytes for an 8 bit divide. 

My problem is you still end up having to do a multiply, which (on z80) is
way too slow. I'd be tempted to use a 64kiB divide table and to hell with


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