Am 11.04.2012 23:18, schrieb Wayne Weedon:
On 05/04/2012 06:57, nev young wrote:
On 04/04/12 23:39, wrote:
Was it just me who was sent a huge number of un-requested files?

I've added the sender to my email blacklist.

* WOOT *

My R***** J***** spam filter works!

Two attempts at indirect contact via 3rd party sites to me today. Might have to rework my filters.

Yes, RJ did it again.
"I use Boxbe to fight email overload. Boxbe prioritizes messages from people on my contact lists. SIGNUP" Don't he got it? He did the eMail overload! I do not want to prioritize HIS mails.
Oh, and he said: "christ almight what a bunch of gaylords".


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