Am 12.04.2012 12:04, schrieb Geoff Winkless:
On 12 April 2012 10:55, Wayne Weedon<>  wrote:
On 12/04/2012 10:23, Geoff Winkless wrote:
On 12 April 2012 10:08, Wayne Weedon<>    wrote:
[snip valid points]

Please, can we just drop this?

Not while he's deliberately and probably maliciously targeting members of
this list I wont.
I didn't ask you to stop doing whatever you might plan on doing to
him, I asked (politely, I might add) if we can please stop posting to
the list about it.

Whatever... your attitude has tipped the balance. The noise:signal
ratio has got too high for me, and I guess I haven't contributed
anything useful to the scene for a decade or so, so I won't be missed.
When it gets to the point that people are this aggressive I'm just
happier walking away. The sense of community and humour just isn't the
same as it was; I suppose people grow up, get lives, jobs etc.

Good luck with your fight against the evil spamtator, I guess just
hitting "delete" is too hard for some people.


My "Jowettish" is not good enough to recognise what does Roger mean with this personal mail to me:
"the day i spam you you'll r a dint the bak u yar id!"
Can anyone translate it for me to english? I live in Austria, so I do not have the abilitys of a native english speaker.


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