> On 7. Oct 2019, at 18:17, Jose Marques <jm...@st-andrews.ac.uk> wrote:
>> On 7 Oct 2019, at 16:43, Fait, James F. 
>> <00000c6019404d64-dmarc-requ...@listserv.fnal.gov> wrote:
>> I tend to ignore ANY distribution with a .0 suffix.
> I'm going through the process of updating our kickstart scripts, repos, and 
> puppet config for Centos8. We (CS at St Andrews) have been using SL7 but we 
> also deploy Fedora 30. Centos8 is a lot more like the latter.

Right, and once more it's a huge step from ELn to ELn+1. Those 4+ years between 
major releases are just too long IMHO. Remember when RHEL set out, it was about 
quarterly minor releases and major ones every 12-18 months. Maybe that would 
have been a bit too frequent, and of course these things change over time. But 
it's quite a burden on admins when for example the next EL release is based on 
a Fedora release which has long abandoned any backward compatibility with the 
one the previous EL release was based on - even if it's retrofitted in some 
later minor EL release (like systemd vs. sysvinit). It's really sad, but yes 
this is a good reason to largely ignore EL .0 releases (and probably at least 
.1 ones too).

>  The only thing concerning me so far is the lack of packages in EPEL. There 
> are things we use from EPEL on SL7 that are not present in EPEL on Centos8. 
> Maybe it's still being built out but if not then that may delay us deploying 
> it (more things we have to package).

AFAIK EPEL is built on CentOS systems, and given that CentOS 8 has been out for 
just a couple of days now I wouldn't expect EPEL 8 to be anywhere near complete 
for now. Chances are this will work out.

What I'm really curious about is folks' thoughts on "CentOS Stream". Will it 
scratch our itches?

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